Rates & Policies

Rates & Policies


Ballerina Pose — Framingham, MA — Brandi Rae's School of Dance

To Register


For Class Schedule



Register online OR print form and mail in with payment to:

Brandi Rae's School of Dance, 116 Cochituate Road, Framingham, MA 01701

CHECKS PAYABLE TO:  Brandi Rae Lochiatto


Payment for FALL SESSION (September to Late-January) is due September 5, 2024.

Payment for SPRING SESSION (Late-January to June) is due January 5, 2025.

Registration and Payment must be received prior to participation in class.

Payment Plan is available and includes a monthly fee of $10 each month until balance is paid in full.

Any outstanding balances from Session I must be paid in full Prior to participation in Session II.

Any outstanding balances from Session II must be paid in full Prior to participation in Spring Recital.

REGISTRATION FEE:   Choose from two options, either $40 Annual or $25 Semi-Annual.

Option #1:  Annual is $40 per/student and due with FALL Registration and covers both sessions in that school year.

no refund if don't continue end up taking both sessions)

Option #2:  Semi-Annual is $25 per/student and due with FALL & SPRING Registration AND Spring covers just one session (no credit if end up taking both sessions) 

This Non-Refundable Registration Fee is due at time of registration.

PAYMENT PLANS:  If Full Payment is not received by Session Due Dates, you will automatically be put on a Payment Plan.

This plan includes a $10.00 MONTHLY FEE which is automatically applied to your account each month until balance is paid in full.

FAMILY DISCOUNT:  10% off the lesser Total Tuition of each additional immediate family member living in the same household. This discount does not apply to Registration Fees.  Discount does not apply to extended family members. Each family member must fill out a separate Registration Form. 

PAYMENT OPTIONS: We accept Cash, Checks & Credit Card Payments (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express).

Credit Card Payments accepted via Online Registration. Click on link at top of Registration Page to set up your online account.


RATES below are determined by the Total Amount of Hours Per Week/Per Student/Per Session.

There are TWO SESSIONS in a school year: SESSION I (FALL) & SESSION II (SPRING)

EXAMPLE:  A student taking (1 hr Ballet) + (45 min Tap) = 1.75 hours Per Week.
So total cost Per Session (15wks) is $580 via Credit Card or $558 via Cash/Check.

Rates are Subject to Change.

LOW ENROLMENT:  Classes with low enrollment will either be cancelled; combined; moved to different time/day; shortened to less time at same cost; or continue as a private (solo, duo, trio) at a higher rate.


Per Week/Per Student


Discounted Tuition Rates Per Session

Fall Session due 9/5

Spring Session due 1/5


Tuition Rates Per Session

Fall Session due 9/5

Spring Session due 1/5

$558. 00


Costume Deposit:  Due in January

Costume Balance: Due in February

Prices may range from anywhere from ~$50 to ~$95 per costume/per class.

Amounts and due dates may vary and are subject to change.

Additional fees will apply for late orders and late payments.

ALL Costume Fees are Non-Refundable. 

Once costume deposit has been received, the account holder is obligated to pay any remaining balance and any other costume fees if applicable, even if student discontinues class and/or does not end up participating in recital.


There is an Annual Recital, typically held in June and occasionally in late May.

Participation encouraged but is not mandatory.  Students participating in the Recital must purchase a costume for each class they are performing with. Recital typically includes ONE show only and typically is in the afternoon or evening. Not typical, but occasionally we need to do TWO separate shows on the same day and some students may be required to participate in both shows. We do our best to put siblings as well as students who are in multiple classes in the same show but CANNOT guarantee this and scheduling won't be determined until Spring. Therefore, tickets may need to be purchased for both shows if you or your child or children happen to end up in being in both shows.
NOTE: Participation in Recital cannot be guaranteed for students who were not enrolled in both Sessions I & II or if have an excessive number of unexcused absences. Upon Director's approval, private lessons may be arranged according to teacher availability to catch a student up, but still cannot guarantee participation in recital. All students who choose to participate in the Recital are REQUIRED to also attend the Dress Rehearsal and both DATES will be posted on our CALENDAR PAGE once determined.

NO REFUNDS POLICY:    Registration Fees are Non-Refundable. Class Tuition Payments are Non-Refundable. NO deductions, pro-rating or refunds for student absences, late enrollment or for students dropping classes for any reason. An account credit only may be applied for students who miss classes due to serious illness or injuries. Tuition Payments cannot be transferred to another person, including siblings or other family members. If the studio has to permanently cancel a class and another class cannot be provided, then a refund will be granted for class tuition only. IF available and appropriate, Make-up classes for student absences may be scheduled within 1 Month of the Absence.  Perfect Attendance Certificates are handed out at the end of the school year for those who have perfect attendance.

INDIVIDUAL TEACHER ABSENCES/CLASS CANCELLATIONS/SNOW DAYS:  Our schedule allows for extra weeks in the school year calendar. TWO Snow Days are allotted per class per school year and will not require a makeup. We may provide a Substitute Teacher at our discretion and without notice. You will be notified regarding any cancellations via email with as much notification as possible. If needed we will provide make-up classes, we may schedule during scheduled holidays if need be. Those who cannot attend a scheduled make-up class will have the option to attend any other appropriate class at their convenience. NO Refunds for re-scheduled classes. Refunds will be given only if a make-up class has not been provided.

RETURNED CHECKS/PAYMENTS:  Service Charge of $25 per returned payment.

STUDENT ENROLLMENT:  Enrollment is ongoing throughout the year; however, limitations may apply. With director and teacher approval, students may join level-appropriate classes if there are openings at time of registration. Class size is limited, therefore early registration is recommended, and placement cannot be guaranteed. Total number of students per class is at the discretion of the director and instructors and will vary from class to class.

CLASS PLACEMENT:  It is most important that students be placed in a class with a level that is most suitable for them (age is secondary to level). Please respect teacher recommendations and understand that appropriate placement greatly benefits the student and is in their best interest.

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